19 Октомври 2015 3449 Училище
Училище “Малкият принц” номинира г-жа Веселина Дамаскова за наградата “Глобален учител” - 2016
{socialbuttons}Учителка Веси, както всички деца и колеги я познават, е професионалист, творец и креативна личност, отдадена на децата, етичен партньор в училищната общност. Съчетава различни обучителни методи, техники и похвати за да предизвика детското любопитство, да развива креативност и творческо мислене. В нейните часове ученето е удоволствие и радост за децата - те са щастливи, спокойни и уверени. Залага на триединството: учене - общуване - осъзнат избор за развитие на умения и способности за справяне в реални житейски ситуации.
Целият екип - деца, учители, родители й пожелаваме с любов и оптимизъм да спечели голямата награда на фондация “Варки”.
Учителко Веси, успех!
Teacher Vesi is a professional and creative person and she works with students aged 6 to 10. She combines different teaching techniques and she makes learning a joyful experience for students. She encourages her students to reveal and develop their potential talents and abilities. Students are happy, relaxed and confident in their knowledge and skills to cope in real life situations. She teaches in multilingual classes, working both with talented children and children with special needs. She is the first Bulgarian teacher who revived and applied at school the Suggestopedia method - recognized by UNESCO as a superior teaching method in 1978. Being herself a personal student of Prof. Lozanov, she has trained, coached and inspired more than 100 practising teachers in Bulgaria. She uses specific teaching methods, developing creating thinking such as Tony Buzan's mind mapping, prof. Igor Matugin's techniques for improving memory and concentration, Paul Sheele's learning strategies and photoreading and de Bono Thinking Systems.
As a primary teacher, she works on her own author teaching program for students from the age of 6 to 18, recognized by the Bulgarian Ministry of education. In 2005 she started her Moodle classroom education, providing lessons not only in class, but also online on our school's virtual platform for student that cannot attend classes and through holidays and days off. In addition to teaching in class, she works both with children and adults in suggestopedic art courses, for literacy and using mnemotechniques for speed learning - "Superpamet" /supermemory/ and "Fotochetene" /photoreading/ - for more than 8 years and 300 participants. She is the initiator of the Regional and National Math competitions and author of the tasks and problems, held from 2006 and involved more than 3000 students from age 6 to 10. She is a co-author in two textbooks - on Bulgarian language and maths and she is currently working on a textbook and handbook for Bulgarians living abroad. She has participated in 6 international conferences and forums for humanistic and open education. She is involved as an expert in lots of local and international projects.